Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, What is going on in Maricopa County Arizona on Friday

2 years ago

What is going on in Maricopa County in Arizona? We, the American people made the Arizona audit happen, we recognized the crisis of that our country is in and we need to make sure we made a difference. Now, the brave folks who went through the audit process are in the final stretch but we need to make sure that transparency is lifted for all Americans to see and understand EXACTLY what happened during the 2020 election in Arizona. Everyone should be 100% concerned that we might not have the opportunity to see everything that happened regarding the full forensic audit that has been going on for months. On Friday, the 24th, the information will be submitted to the senate and it would be a shame if all the hard work of the auditors was squelched because of feckless ‘Republican in Name only’ state senators. Remember the politicians are beholden to you the American people, not other politicians. Madame Karen Fann has been a national hero and a bomb because she was the leading voice driving the full forensic audit and now she needs our support more than ever. But there has been a concerted effort to edit, retract, and trim certain things from the audit despite the fact that the American people are the ones that funded the audit NOT THE STATE SENATE. The Election board of supervisors who have been unwilling to turn over the routers and the splunk logs have finally allowed the router to be released although the ‘special person’ who will be put in charge of the election routers seems to have a conflict of interest. Remember, the American people are what made full forensic audits happen in Arizona and it is the American people who will make full forensic audits in all 50 states a possibility. A new enemy has reared its head however, and it is one of the long time establishment conservatives who don’t understand that the jig is up and the American people need full forensic audits performed full stop. This McCainite is requesting that certain things be removed from the audit report like the kinematic artifacts, etc. What he doesn’t understand however is that we are a different America now, we won’t be fooled by these establishment flunkies and their ‘feel good’ rhetoric any longer. It’s this simple, we the Americans demand transparency on everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, and after that let the chips fall where they may. If it turns out Donald Trump actually won so be it and we’ll figure out what to do next, but people need the assurance that their votes count during election cycles. We have to thank both Karen Fann and Warren Petersen for being great Americans and allowing the full forensic audits to happen but we can’t squander the work of all the auditors that put so much time and effort in this process. We as Americans should be more worried about the confidence crisis that will continue to fester if we feel that politicians can so easily bend the ear and then they redact things that they ‘think’ the American people can’t handle. Remember, the purpose of the audits is to give Americans the confidence in their election system and nothing else matters. In my opinion, this is the most significant crisis to ever face the United States of America since the Civil War. So few people believe that our laws and our politicians will protect and one of the ways for politicians gain back some trust from the people is to allow FULL TRANSPARENCY OF EVERYTHING. Nobody is going to continue to trust the system if we keep going down this road. We deserve the #TRUTH, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We are at a dangerous crossroads, if we allow to let them leave out things from the audit, it will set up a precedent which will haunt us down the road. This means that if the Arizona audit edits the final result the audit, don’t you think every other audit will edit audits, what will the American people think of this!? In other words, the rules of the game have changed now and the old system can not be how you govern going forward.

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