vaccinated blood in Mosquito

2 years ago

I am not vaccinated. If we need blood are we getting vaccinated or unvaccinated blood? Mosquitoes inject saliva not blood so its UNLIKELY infected blood can spread to another human. UNLIKELY . But possible? It is very unlikely that I will get die from the Covid if I am unvaccinated yet the govt is trying to pretend like they can force it on me. Are they going to do something about these pesky mosquitoes that probably wont but could transfer some blood into from another human? Sounds crazy huh? About as crazy as wearing a mask in a car by yourself driving down a road or wearing a mask in a restaurant then taking it off to eat AFTER you went to the gas station touching gas pumps, door handles , grocery carts, bank machine buttons, touching items that several others did before you who chose not to purchase, and breathing the same air as before you sat down. Lots of crazy going on in this world.

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