Mr Maverick live i Kungsträdgården 18 september - Don't want your jab

3 years ago

I don't want your covid Jab, I don't need no Jab
you can stick it up your ass.

99 percent survival rate yet you Want to install a CONVID pass.
How stupid do you think we are that we don't see this for what it is.
Tyranny under the disguise of caring for you
First they said only 14 days of lockdown, now it's going into 2 years.
Of controlling people's free wills.
God given not yours to take.
Mouth diapers that doesn't even work
Collects bacteria then into your lungs, makes us sick, brings the cases up.

Forcing is rape
Hijacking my will
The vaccine doesn't even prevent you from covid then what's the point
1 mask 2 mask 3 mask then inject you with some poison juice

Forcing is rape
Silencing with fear
They count on us to submit
To be separated within
But united we win
God wins

I don't want your covid Jab
I don't need no jab
You can stick it up your ass.
This is a global takeover
Can't you see what's right in front of you
An electronic global enslavement system
Which Noone will be able to escape
It's time to realize evils ugly face has arrived
Just use your common sense
Then you see this doesn't make any sense
Treating you like a criminal for being you
Shut you out of society
They said this was to protect the elderly
What big fat lie that turned out to be

Forcing is rape
Hijacking my will

No oxygen to the brain, slowly your brain starts to decay
1 mask 2mask 3 mask then inject you with some poison juice

Forcing is rape
Silenceing with fear

They count on us to submit
To be separated within
But united we win
God wins

Följ Mr Maverick på odysee!

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