Garland Favorito Speaks at a Rally in Atlanta, GA - 9/18/2021

3 years ago

Garland Favorito delivered a list of ten things you can do to help ensure election integrity:


1. Visit to become familiar with our lawsuits, election integrity history and upcoming events so that you can become an ambassador for election integrity

2. Support our efforts and those of Atlanta Tea Party Patriots and Preserve Georgia Rights for a full Georgia audit

3. Support our efforts to make presentments directly to the grand jury with our own attorneys in accordance with our First Amendment right to etition for redress of grievances

4. Go to VoterGA Volunteer tab to sign up as a volunteer and to get an invitation to our weekly Saturday morning calls

5. Sign the Constitution Party of Georgia letter to your elected representative to ask them to stop using a voting system that the U.S. District Court has determined is in violation of Georgia laws

6. Sign the Constitution Party of Georgia vote of no confidence in Chris Carr who filed an amicus brief against the ballot inspection and election transparency while also signing the consent agreement that illegally subverted signature verification law

7. Sign the Constitution Party of Georgia letter to Georgia Public Broadcasting executives asking them to adhere to their motto to “Stand with the Facts” and stop printing false articles claiming there is no evidence of election fraud

8. Pick out a free apparel item for a $20 donation and wear it to events to promote VoterGA

9. Wear your apparel and join VoterGA volunteers on a Bus Tour to the Save America rally on Sept. 25 where to help promote VoterGA ($30 donation and apparel needed)

10. Go to tab to make a tax-deductible donation to our non-partisan, non-profit organization

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