Who Am I? What is my Purpose?

2 years ago

I believe the biggest goal in life is to discover and answer the question, "Who Am I".
Knowing the answer to this one truth will set you free as you fight the daily battle of being labeled by society.
Take the time to discover this and you will become a fully aware human being. You will live like no one else because you will not live with a veil over your eyes.
The vail only blinds you, so remove it so you can see the truth of who you really are.
Each day, until you make your self-discovery, you must ask yourself and answer this one question, "Who Am I?"
Follow that up by, "What is my purpose" and "How can I make a difference in the world around me?"
In order for each person who asks this question, to answer this question, I believe we must first let go of the ego.
When you and I do this we can communicate and appreciate ourselves and others more effectively. The ego blocks you from seeing the truth about yourself, your surroundings, and others.
When you discover who you are, you do not need to fake with yourself or to others. You do not need to fake your way through life anymore. You walk in peace and become understanding, awareness, and stillness.
What others say about you or to you, does not matter to you anymore because you know who you are. The opinions of others are just that, opinions. They have no relevance to who you are.
You have the ability to make yourself and others happy when you understand who you are. This one understanding will bring about happiness in yourself and to others.
You will walk with a peace you have never known if you answer this one question, Who Am I?
Ask and answer this question each morning upon waking, before bed, and when you make important life decisions.
If you can't answer this question there is something important missing in your life. You are not connected in body, mind, and spirit.
Perhaps you have lost touch with your inner self and you need to re-discover the person who you were meant to be.

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