Altiyan Childs, Freemasonry is Satanism in Disguise

2 years ago

Freemasonry is Satanism in Disguise and all your celebs, Pope and most politicians are part of it. You don't become a somebody without being part of it. (Unless... your the Greatest Wildcamper on the planet of course. 🤟🤔)

Altiyan Childs, 45, has broken his Masonic vows and risked his life to prove beyond any doubt that Freemasonry is Satanism, and Freemasons control the world.

By X Factor Winner Altiyan Childs

After watching the complete video ask yourself (knowing the NHS is also run by and funded by the Freemasons) Are you /have you been Coerced and tricked by pure evil into taking a deadly vaccine.

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