De Sade explains AOC and Conde’ Nast

2 years ago

La Nouvelle Justine of the Marquis de Sade explains why AOC has the cover of Vogue.
The owner of Vogue is Condé Nast and the owner of Condé Nast is Advance Publications – called like this probably because they have “to advance” the evil leftwing agenda, in fact people like AOC are called “progressive” because they advance the evil agenda in progress, other people, the good ones, stop it – the owner of Advance Publications that actually controls the editorial line of all Condé Nast outlets, Vogue included, is a New York Jew called Donald Newhouse and he set his headquarters in a New York skyscraper called, look look --- One World Trade Center --- yes, dear Readers, not "World Trade Center" that was taken down in 9/11, but ONE World Trade Center, they are globalists are bringing about with ALL Democrats and ALL Condé Nast publications, included all the editions of Vogue, globalisation, in this contest they give the cover of Vogue to AOC because AOC is a politician who brings about globalisation and wants to tear down the external borders of the Nation, since to bring about globalisation the first thing to do is to abolish the borders, obviously from their point of view “AOC is better than Melania Trump” because she does the dirty job, Melania doesn't. As I said it's like La Nouvelle Justine of the Marquis De Sade: you praise girls when they do wicked things not when they do good things, so they do even more wicked things, which is what you want them to do for you, to have another prize in change, and it works like education the same – the other way round, of course -. By luck Melania is not like that. Sure.

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