9/13/21 Long Beach Community College Rally PART 3

2 years ago

The grand finale of the fun with Electric Butterfly at the unforgettable Long Beach Community College Freedom Rally where over 2,000 FREEDOM LOVING AMERICANS SHOWED UP TO "GREET" the fake president, treasonous, criminal. pedophile Joe Biden delusionally thinking he was helping the most tyrannical, criminal governor in California history, Gavin Newscum!!

To correct Newscum's MISINFORMATION (my question is where the HELL are the government's fact checkers???) this rally, as well as the Recall Gavin Newscum Campaign WAS NOT A REPUBLICAN EFFORT. It was an EVERYONE, EVERY POLITICAL PARTY, EVERY RACE AND EVERY WALK OF LIFE EFFORT! It was an effort by ALL FREEDOM LOVING CALIFORNIANS to RECALL THE MOST CRIMINAL, TYRANICAL IDIOT GOVERNOR IN CALIFORNIA HISTORY!!!

Sadly, he cheated, just as we knew he would. But guess what? HE'S GONNA GET LOCKED UP ANYWAY!!! Yes, this idiot is so delusional that 300,000 votes DISAPPEARED BEFORE THE EYES OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ON NATIONAL TV!!! You think he's gonna get away with that? Well, us law abiding, freedom loving Californians are going to show our nation that GAVIN NEWSCUM IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW!!! He will be rotting in a cell FOR LIFE in GITMO so fast his head will be spinning! We The People have got this!!

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