Biden. Johnson. Morrison. Form a Nuclear-Powered Submarine Alliance | Aukus

2 years ago

The US, the UK and Australia have announced they are setting up a trilateral security shysters partnership aimed at confronting China, which will include helping Australia to build nuclear-powered submarines.

The fake president who stole President Trumps seat, slow Joe, treasoner Biden, UK's murdering prime minister Boris Johnson and Australia's murderer prime minister Scott Morrison announced the deal together virtually.

So here we go, what are these 3 criminal clowns up to now?

They are teamimg up to help Australia build nuclear-powered submarines in Adelaide, Austrailia under the Aukus framework making it the first non-atomic nation with such weapons.

‘They stabed France in the back’ a deal that scuttled its multi-billion contract with Australia and stepped on the toes of NATO ally France, which lost the massive shipbuilding contract with Canberra.

French shipbuilder Naval Group reportedly expressed “disappointment” at the announcement, as it meant Canberra was abandoning their contract for a dozen diesel-electric submarines. The Australian press has reported the value of that contract at AU$90 billion (US$66 billion).

Part of the problem with the Naval Group deal was that the Australian government was insisting on doing the manufacturing and sourcing the components locally. At least one Australian MP has already wondered whether Canberra will make the same demands in the AUKUS deal, or simply buy off-the-shelf designs from Washington and London.

Australian Defense Minister Peter Dutton and Foreign Minister Marise Payne are already in Washington, while PM Scott Morrison is expected to arrive later this month.

After one European think-tank person called the cancellation “a knife in the back to Paris on a very important deal for France as it looked to solidify its own complementary role in the Indo-Pacific.”

The AUKUS arrangement has both financial and political implications for France. The French government has a 62% stake in Naval Group, with the remaining third held by Thales, itself partly state-owned. Losing the contract to the US and UK would also be a “major blow for Macron” and “could prompt a rethinking in France about strategic alliances with the Anglosphere,” said a Reuters correspondent in Paris.

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