America repeats history phase 1

3 years ago

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I am not a historian or a youtuber, I am just a regular guy with a question. Is America and the West headed towards Communism or Fascism? I began to study the subject and was shocked by what I found. I want to share it with all LIBERTY loving people, so we know where we are headed and make sure we learn from history and don’t repeat it. The subject is way more complex than I can divulge in short videos but I will try. I do not want to devalue the experience that the Jews and others went through during WW2. I am sure they would have complied less and fought harder against the smaller more menial measures had they known what they would lead to. I am sure many, many Germans would have stood with them and fought beside them if they had known. Phase 1has been completed, currently we are in phase 2. I will put a video out on phase 2 soon. The democrats and Rhino’s have formed a new uniparty I call the Nazicrats. The Nazicrats are made up of Elites who do not believe in God, therefore they do not recognize our God given rights and Liberties. They do not believe in our Constitution because it restrains their serve the people but they think the public should serve them. The Nazicrats almost always accuse others of what they themselves are doing, and call other names that they themselves are. We must wakeup and peacefully resist the mandates and restrictions of our liberty. They cannot take the liberties of tens of millions of people who stand together and say NO. But if we do not stand together and resist these small measures that strip our liberties, it will get worse. The Government does not give back power that it takes. We are currently being split into two different groups, those who comply (vaxed) and those who do not comply (unvaxed). I have heard the vilest things I have ever heard in my life, said about unvaccinated people. From Biden, his administration, news anchors and pundits. They speak of the unvaccinated in very similar ways to that of how the Nazis spoke of the Jews. They want to exclude the unvaxed from normal life and identify them will passports and masks. Do not comply. Watch this video and let me know what you think.

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