Over 12,000 Illegal Aliens Huddled Under Texas Bridge, Biden Hasn't Sent Back a SINGLE ONE!

3 years ago

But no mean tweets.

Since the Supreme Court reinstated Trump's "Stay in Mexico Program", Biden's Administration has deported exactly 0 Illegal Aliens. But c'mon man, Mexico doesn't want them. Better yet, instead of sending them back, lets see if their Families want to come over and we can send some planes to go get them and fly all the Illegals around on the Taxpayer Dime! BRILLIANT!

Not like there is a massive overflow of Illegal Border Crossings happening right now. There's only somewhere around 12,000 Aliens from all over South and Central America huddled under the Del Rio Bridge in South Texas. At least they aren't in Cages though, right?!?!?

Instead of dealing with the problem, the Administration acted by getting the FAA to issue a No Fly Zone in the area so no one can get the evidence. You get it yet?

Biden's Approval Rating sucks. No two ways about it. Even the oversampled Reuters/Ipsos Poll can't get it to crack 44%. He's a failure, plain and simple.

The Epoch Times 1: https://www.theepochtimes.com/biden-administration-blames-delay-in-restarting-remain-in-mexico-program-on-mexico_4003133.html
Breitbart 1: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/09/17/biden-administration-migrant-central-american/
B2: https://www.breitbart.com/border/2021/09/17/exclusive-numbers-swell-overnight-to-12k-migrants-detained-under-border-bridge-in-texas/
B3: https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2021/09/17/joe-biden-praises-brave-illegal-migrants-dismisses-americans/
ET2: https://www.theepochtimes.com/faa-imposes-no-fly-zone-zone-for-unmanned-aircraft-systems-flying-over-texas-bridge-packed-with-over-10000-migrants_4002307.html
B4: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/09/17/lowest-approval-of-presidency-for-joe-biden-reuters-poll/

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#BorderCrisis #DelRioBridge #IllegalAliens

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