Hey guys so tonight we went out for a snack! Well we went out for ice cream and you won’t believe it

3 years ago

Hey guys so tonight we went out for a snack! Well we went out for ice cream and you won’t believe it! So the line for dairy queen was out in the street so we circled around and went to sonic to wait in line for them to say sorry out of ice cream! No wonder Dairy Queen was packed! Back to Dairy Queen we went! Mom got a fry and shared with me and it was so tasty!
This is my safety riding cage for the car it was made for me and keeps me safe you never know accident or anything were to happen this keeps me safe when Im on a ride! Just a little education about me when I go out for trips! I love to ride and always have but mom always says what if’s! And in a situation it’s better to be safe! Enjoy!

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