The Denice Gary Show 9- 17

3 years ago

As a people, we are exhorted "therefore that, first of all, supplications and prayers ... For kings and for all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life ... For this is good..." I Timothy 2: 1-3a

But it seems Democrats disagree. In 2012, the Democrats first omitted God and any supportive mention of Israel in the DNC platform. After removing any reference to God and to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, it appears that anti-Semitism has risen among the Democrats' rank and file.

This is not in keeping with America's founding fathers, founding documents, and the founding vision. Indeed, the Ten Commandments as well as references to Israel and the contribution of the Jewish people has been honored and celebrated going all the way back to our first president, by George Washington, the father of the country.

Of course, not every Democrat, but Democrats overall have been calling to remove God and Israel out of the Democratic platform for years. As evidenced clearly of late, they are a godless group overall, they embrace socialism and oppose the freedoms which We the People have enjoyed as a nation, such as freedom of speech, (speech must be politically correct or you can be fired from your job); freedom of religion, (Dems kept strip joints and abortion clinics open, but closed churches; and demand to control Americans private healthcare decisions while allowing illegal immigrants to disrepect ou nation's laws and come into the country without a vaccine and with Covid!

The United States of America, as well as our legal traditions, and international law, is rooted in Judea-Christian values and traditions.

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