Hear Major General Paul Vallely, U.S. Army, (ret.), answer questions on U.S.

3 years ago

It is a strategic blunder of historic proportions that will bring tragedy and loss for years to come was perpetrated by President Biden and his team of Democrats. Afghanistan is now a Super Terror State. Will the United States be back inside Afghanistan fighting the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and the Islamic State, IS/ISIS/ISIL/Daesh? And will we ultimately see a growing number of special operators in countries around the globe fighting the barbarism of Islamic terrorism?
I am hearing through various sources that Afghans that worked with U.S. Special Forces are now being beheaded along with their sons, pregnant women are beaten or killed... and if anyone is found with Christian symbols or scripture on their phone device they are murdered on the spot... the democratic values of freedom and equality that Afghan men and women fought for have now disappeared from Afghanistan... Many Americans, some suggest hundreds are still held hostage inside Afghanistan.
Mark Frerichs, a contractor abducted last year by Afghan militants is still being held. We pray for his immediate release!
The Taliban is now the best armed and perhaps the most heavily funded terrorist organization in the world following the massive amounts of weapons as well as pallets of cash left in-country by America's Commander-in-Chief Biden. I believe this will create a resurgence of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, IS/ISIS/ISIL/Daesh, and the Haqqani Network that is more fierce, more emboldened, and more empowered with recruitment efforts doubling around the globe.
Bagram Air Base is just 400 miles west of China, 500 miles east of Iran, and 315 miles north from Pakistan. It was the finest installation in the world. We had a small contingency of soldiers, CIA, and intelligence agents from other agencies who were America's eyes and ears in Afghanistan. They are now gone. Israel's Mossad is now America's human intelligence (spies) or HUMINT inside terrorist groups such as the Taliban.
Bagram Air Base is the size of a small city. It has had roadways that go to military barracks, two runways with parking spots for 100 fighter jets. Indeed, one of the two runways is 12,000 feet long. Moreover, there is a 50-bed hospital, and huge hangar-size tents filled with furniture for military personnel - Bagram cost American taxpayers $68 million. I see this controlled by China next. Hear Major General's response...
And Israel just suffered several rocket attacks? Do you concur this has emboldened HAMAS, the Islamic Resistance Movement, due to Biden's clear message that the United States is in a weakened state under his leadership and is no longer willing to lead with a policy of peace through strength?

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