Under the Wire speaks with Dr Lee Merritt, The Medical Rebel

3 years ago

We are so honoured to host this talk with Dr Lee Merritt, the Medical Rebel on our centenary episode of Under the Wire!
Dr. Lee Merritt began her medical career at the age of four, carrying her father’s “black bag” on housecalls, along the back roads of Iowa. In 1980 she graduated from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in New York, where she was elected to life membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. Dr. Merritt completed an Orthopaedic Surgery Residency in the United States Navy and served 9 years as a Navy physician and surgeon before returning to Rochester, where she was the only woman to be appointed as the Louis A. Goldstein Fellow of Spinal Surgery.
Her recent speech at Doctors for Disaster Preparedness on “Sars-CoV2 and the Rise of Medical Technocracy” has been widely viewed on YouTube, and forwarded on by Dr. Mercola—one of her medical heroes.
Dr Merritt discusses the issues of COVID-19, mandatory vaccination and loss of freedom in a no-holds-barred manner and this promises to be an appropriate way to celebrate 100 episodes of our wonderful show!


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