The Atheism Tapes, Empires of Industry: Brewed in America, I Can't Marry You and Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion.

2 years ago

This is a video that I originally made back in 2010 for the two websites called Blip and WebofCinema which are both now SHUT DOWN. Sins. In this video I reviewed the four documentaries called (1) The Atheism Tapes, (2) Empires of Industry: Brewed in America, (3) I Can't Marry You and (4) Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion. "Fair Use". I obey Free Speech (First Amendment / 1st Amendment) and NOT Political Correctness (PC). If you don't love the First Amendment then LEAVE the United States of America because we DON'T want you here in the United States of America (U.S.A.)! Everybody please read everything below.

Rumble ~ FascinatingVision | The Atheism Tapes, Brewed in America, I Can't Marry You and Inside the War on Abortion.;

Our United States of America's Founding Fathers were Christians - Our United States of America's Constitution, Amendments and Bill of Rights are based on Christianity and the Holy Bible;

You Can't Be an American and be an Atheist;

Holy Bible ---> Psalms 14:1 = The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

[1 of 4] Cornerstone TV Network - Origins and Answers In Genesis = Scientific proof, facts and evidence which shows that God Yahweh Almighty DOES Exist; and

[2 of 4] Wikipedia = Historical proof, facts and evidence which shows that God Yahweh Almighty DOES Exist - Yeshua/Jesus HaMashiach/Christ the Son of God is God Yahweh Almighty;

[3 of 4] YouTube = Historical proof, facts and evidence which shows that God Yahweh Almighty DOES Exist - Yeshua/Jesus HaMashiach/Christ the Son of God is God Yahweh Almighty;

[4 of 4] YouTube = MORE Historical proof, facts and evidence which shows that God Yahweh Almighty DOES Exist - Yeshua/Jesus HaMashiach/Christ the Son of God is God Yahweh Almighty:
Did Jesus Exist The Extra-Biblical Evidence (1 4);
Did Jesus Exist The Extra-Biblical Evidence (2 4);
Did Jesus Exist The Extra-Biblical Evidence (3 4);
Did Jesus Exist The Extra-Biblical Evidence (4 4);

Holy Bible ---> 1 Timothy 3:3 = Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;

Holy Bible ---> Proverbs 20:1 = Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.

Holy Bible ---> Ephesians 5:18 = And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

{1/2} Marriage was created by God Yahweh Jesus Christ Almighty for ONLY 1 man and 1 woman so that they the husband and the wife can have Sex, and then have a child or children in the Proper and Natural way. Marriage is NOT for homosexuals, TS/TV/TGs, bisexuals and LGBTQs. Those homosexuals, TS/TV/TGs, bisexuals and LGBTQs that are so called married in Same-Sex Marriage a.k.a. Gay Marriage are NOT Married a.k.a. NOT really Married. Homosexuality is Sin and Bad. Same-Sex Marriage is Sin and Bad a.k.a. Gay Marriage is Sin and Bad. Homosexuality is a Choice. Homosexuality is Unnatural.

{2/2} Science also says that Homosexuality is Unnatural. ALL homosexuals, ALL TS/TV/TGs, ALL bisexuals, the whole LGBTQs and ALL those who support Same-Sex Marriage a.k.a. Gay Marriage WILL go to Hell and the Lake of Fire. If they Repent and become Christians by DOING that which is still to be done in the Holy Bible in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Son of God then they will not go to Hell and the Lake of Fire. It is God Yahweh Jesus Christ Almighty's will for everybody to be AGAINST Same-Sex Marriage a.k.a. Gay Marriage, and for everybody to be AGAINST homosexuality.

Abortion is Murder (Killing) found in the Holy Bible read Deuteronomy 5:17, Matthew 15:19-20 and Romans 13:9. Abortion is Sin and Bad read Mark 10:19, James 2:11 and Romans 1:29. Abortion is Child Abuse.

Live Action ~ Planned Parenthood EXPOSED;

Holy Bible ---> Luke 13:3&5 = I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth from the Holy Bible is both the Son of God and God Yahweh Almighty.

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