3 years ago


It has taken a few months of deep research and introspection to work out the real reasons and the pure evil of the mass forced vaccination pogrom.

The reasons for the vaccination are:
Zombification and Mind control to destroy the brain
Sterilization to depopulate the world

TRANSHUMANISM: I have spoken at length regarding transhumanism - bioengineering your DNA to create a new race of obedient, carefree humans, just smart enough to party and work, but too dumb to critically think, question authority and protest.

ZOMBIFICATION & MIND CONTROL: I spoke about zombification of your mind - but it goes beyond plain destroying and lobotomizing your mind. It is pure mind control whereby you become more susceptible to media propaganda.

You begin to hate the freedoms and liberties of your “old” life and happily accept the “new normal” of forced vax, lockdowns and absolute tyranny and slavery; and most importantly you begin to hate the new “unclean” and “subhumans” - the unvaxxed.

You no longer think critically (if that was still a thing with people anyways). You no longer question the lies. You are too “busy” partying, jogging or sitting in a cafe to research the truth. You demand lockdowns and complain that the government should have locked down “earlier” otherwise it would all be over by now. You accept the vax just to “end it quickly”. You blame the government for a “slow vax rollout”.

Zombification and mind control is creating walking breathing zombies or clones, whereby your previous conscience is replaced by a carefree obedient slave mind that accepts anything the tyrants force onto you.

You accept the “new normal” of slavery and denounce freedom, human rights and civil liberties. Most dangerously, you begin to denounce the unvaxxed who are portrayed as the new “untermenschen” or “sub humans”.

You will also see more aggressive behavior, fights, disputes, road rage and as mentioned, aggression and denouncements of freedom, truth and the unvaxxed.

The “new normal” or “changed world” psy-op has been used before - in the wake of the September 11 attacks to get you to accept more and more police and surveillance powers.

STERILIZATION: The fake “vaccines” target reproductive organs and it is clear that this is linked to sterilization and depopulation.

To achieve depopulation you don’t necessarily have to kill everyone immediately from a death shot. If you are sterilized, the world population will drop massively within a generation - say 20 to 30 years - once older people start dying and they are not replaced by births.

How many people are killed in the short term is still to be seen. At the very least, tens of thousands are being killed, which is a good start for the depopulation agenda. In the worst case, billions may die within 5 years or so.

Even if millions are killed, you won’t even notice, as long as it is random people dying all over the place weeks, months or even years after receiving the vax. You will notice people just disappearing. Empty units and houses that were once occupied. Empty desks at work.

The media won’t report it. Official medical, population and government records will be manipulated to hide it. The brainwashed vaxxed zombies won’t even notice and won’t care.

See also:

What you will find is people disappearing all over the place with not a word from anyone, least of all the media. It will be like the Star Trek TNG episode “Remember Me” (Season 4, Episode 5), where crew members slowly disappear as if nothing is wrong.

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