How to choose a GOOD gaming name or find creative gamertags

3 years ago

How to choose a gaming name or find good gamertags

A gamer’s first thing they do no matter what is find a gamer tag. Today I will show you how to pick a good one for you and you’ll probably never change it again. There are main ideas I want to cover like how to be creative with names, simple, and how to find a good gamer tag that fits you. Most gamers use their gametags because they want to hide their identity, or have something that looks cool. One way you can make your gamer tag stand out is if you put your name in it. For example, if your name is joe and you’re funny, use joester as an example. Or, something like your last name, for example my last name is actually mai, which is why my gamer tag and my channel is Maigaming. Also, keep all gamertags shorter than like 12 letters because in some games they restrict the amount of letters in a name. Plus, no one wants to read all that. If you don’t want to include your name, that’s totally fine, because the next way you can build a good gamer tag is by keeping it simple. Pick something that is 1 word, and get creative with it. For example, sypherpk said his name came from psychopathic, but he changed up the spelling, and added pk to the end. An example would be celery. You can replace the c with the s, and boom. Username isn’t taken.

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