2021 SEP 16 What We Can Learn From El Salvador This Where a Government Cares About Their People

3 years ago


1. Acetaminophen, 500mg for fever and pain
2. Vitamin C, 500mg promotes immune health
3. Vitamin D-3, 2,000 units proven to fight Covid
4. Zinc, 50mg promotes natural immune health
5. Asprin, 100mg Helps prevent blood clots
6. Ivermectin, 12mg/Day Proven to help reduce Covid Deaths and prevent Covid
7. Loratadina (Antihistamine) 10mg
8. Azitromincina (Azithromycin)

The government of El Salvador is taking action to treat its citizens for Covid. It is offering, free of charge, a combination of drugs that have been proven to decrease the death rate by more than 50% and prevent catching Covid by over 85%.

It is time the US Australia New Zealand and United Kingdom learned something significant from this third world country.

ORIGINAL SOURCE: https://youtu.be/CBk5dRsxlNg Larry J Miller MD
Covid Prevention and Treatment Package, El Salvador

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