Worship and Healing | Pastor Cheryl S Jackson | Grace Christian Center

3 years ago

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You'd be surprised what God will do in your physical body if you would just lift your hands and praise and worship and magnify and honor Him.

So, last last service as soon as I walked in the Holy Ghost said have them keep singing. These up here, they can't be performers.

If you're trying to perform up here to look good, you won't be anointed. It just won't happen.
It takes some determination to stand in front of even any number of people and forget about what you look like, what you have. To humble yourself and get pride out of the way.

Every example I give is a lesson, if you'll listen. I'm teaching you how to put God first in all situations and circumstances in life. And then when you really really need Him, you won't have to wait. His presence is there, and His Word within you.

I'm telling you you can be in a place that has been named The Miracle Church by God himself and just stand there and let them do the singing. Let somebody beside of you do the worshiping. Let your wife do the shouting, the praising. Let your husband be the one.

John 4:23 and 24 But the hour cometh and now is.

When is now? Not last week. Not tomorrow. Not even 5 minutes. It's now. When the what kind of worshipers? True worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such.

God, your heavenly Father, is seeking for you to worship. God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Acts 2:1 When the day was fully come - this day has already occurred. It was never intended, believers, was never intended, saints, for this to be a one-time experience, and then it was over. That's the lie the enemy has sold many religious teachers in the body. It's not over. It was the beginning. Okay? When the day came, they were what? How many was it, just one or two? Was it just the praisers and the singers? What's all mean? Not excluding any.

Hold your hand up towards heaven. Say, Father I - you're chosen, you're anointed, your child - I have a supply to give. I know that's everyone in here. No one's excluded. Introvert. Extrovert. Shy, bold, employed, unemployed, young, old, occupation doesn't matter what it is.

Practice makes perfect. Speaking in tongues, talking to God, makes perfect the rest and the refreshing. I'm refreshed. I come in here refreshed and rested.

Acts 4:23 Being let go they went to their own company. This is your company. What did they do when they got to their company? Look at verse 24. They lifted up their voice to God - here's that word again, with one accord - and said.

But notice they said something. They did something. They said something. Just in case you want to know what God Himself says about worship. Just like we entered in to another dimension, another depth of prayer when the Holy Ghost.

The Bible is progressive revelation. Your spiritual development is progressive revelation. Light comes. Scripture says when light comes, walk in that light. When light comes, walk in it. What's he mean by that? The depth of that is when you hear, when knowledge comes, accept that knowledge. Receive that knowledge. Embrace that knowledge.

I've received healing when I hadn't been in any meeting at any church. That's what He's wanting to. He's saying to you today: learn. Hear the instructions. Embrace the instructions. Because when a storm comes, you might not be able to get to me or to get to pastor or get the church office. There might not be anyone here. We just need to to get self out of the way. How do you do that? You just focus on you and Him. You and Him. And He will instruct you what to do.

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