Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Supervisor), Constitutional Carry & Faux COVID Vaccines

3 years ago

Since Latifah Faisal is concerned about & wringing her Vienna sausage fingers over my "vaccination" status, I am going to make her firearms (or lack thereof) my business.

Crossposted @

Hey Story County Supervisor Latifah Faisal how you doin’ little fella? I wanted to take a moment & ask you if you are prepared in the event that a BLM terrorist or fatherless lunatic tries to kick your door in at 3AM.

I’m concerned about your welfare & I am making it my business if you are prepared for the worst-case scenario. I am prepared for this & so is everyone else & anyone else under my roof, it’s called a .357, among other remedies for evil.

In the unlikely event that a fatherless lunatic/meth head attempts to kick my door in or attack me on my property (also thanks to the Iowa Legislature for giving Iowa a Castle Doctrine) he/she will be dealt with accordingly.

I am really worried about your welfare & need to make sure you have a way to defend yourself. Now, some of the lunatic fringe/mainstream in your party want to defund the police/get rid of the police & what is an unarmed old lady supposed to do in the event they are subjected to that worst case scenario?*

I know you’re thinking, why on earth is he concerned about my lack of firearms in my own hovel? You know what Latifah, you are correct!

I urge you to take the same tact w/ my lack of a vaccination** for COVID-19 & my continued lack of a vaccination next year, the year after that & the year after that. The survival rate for the 49 & under group last time I checked was 99.9014%.

I did more miles on the trail in the last few months than you probably have done in the last few years. I would run circles around you, period. Since I am in the under-50 group & am very healthy, the risk/reward for me on the faux vaccine is more risk than reward.

My father is in the “old” group & I gave him my non-medical opinion that there’s more reward than risk in him getting the vaccine. Anyone w/ diabetes should probably get the faux vaccine. Anyone that is a cancer survivor should probably get the faux vaccine.

Anyone who has no immunodeficiencies & is under 50 – if you got the faux vaccine prior to everyone in Iowa who is over 60, every single health care professional that wants it & anyone w/ an immunodeficiency getting the faux vaccine – you are a selfish idiot.

AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she got it to prove to everyone it’s safe. No, she did not. She did it because she’s an elitist. Tulsi Gabbard called out the bartender on this, saying she is going to wait until everyone over 60 has received it.

Latifah Faisal, would you be interested in not being concerned (and I understand the low-level positions you have as a taxpayer-funded desk pogue put this well above your pay grade) w/ my retirement & we can make Social Security voluntary? ***

Or do you need Social Security to remain a requirement because you need to redistribute my boss’ payroll taxes & my payroll taxes to meth heads & single women w/ multiple kids from multiple fathers out of wedlock?

My body, my choice troglodyte. If an overweight, out of the work force drug addict from Flint, MI can go to Planned Parenthood & get her bastard kids extinguished in the womb, I do not have to wear a mask or get a faux vaccine.

Not being concerned about my welfare & using that faux concern for redistributionist programs – try it – you might like it

PS I am still waiting for you to respond to my debunking of your generalized nonsense on the Jan. 6 Insurrection ****

PPS Still waiting for you to answer this: When you were rubbing elbows w/ #blacklivesmatter in Des Moines last year – did you protest the 39,144 black on black, single victim/single offender homicides from 2004-18 & did you protest the millions & millions of fatherless black children abandoned by their sperm donors? Hello? *****


*Latifah Faisal also opposes Iowa’s Constitutional Carry Law, she doesn’t believe that law-abiding citizens should be able to carry firearms, especially without getting permission from der gubmint. She will not answer queries on this topic because A) She doesn’t know much about firearms (I know you’re thinking, she runs her mouth about many things she knows nothing about – I get it, ok?) & B) She would make a fool of herself

What would an unarmed old lady do in the event of an attack on her property if there are no police & no guns for private citizens? Unless your goal is to leave the general populace a prime target

** For the record, it is not a vaccine. Back in the 1960s school children were vaccinated against polio (3 shots, but I am not sure of the time frame between each shot) & that was it. If you want people to take a booster shot each year, it’s not a vaccine. Quit calling it that.


**** My first response My second response A video by Mark Dice that I believe is also a good debunking. Enjoy!


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