Two of Adorable Baby Elephants playing with mud..🐘🐘

3 years ago

Elephants have a remarkable potential for emotional intelligence and empathy, which is demonstrated repeatedly, particularly by adult mother elephants to their offspring.

Apart from that, baby elephants are quite adorable! With their little trunks and large ears, they may easily win over even the most adamant hearts. Sorry, puppies and kittens, but we believe pachyderms have the cutest babies in the animal kingdom. This is why.

Baby elephants are extremely attached to their mothers.

A baby elephant is referred to as a calf. At birth, it weighs about 250 pounds and stands about three feet tall. Although calves cannot see well at first, they can recognize their mothers through touch, scent, and sound.

For the first few months, baby elephants remain extremely close to their mothers. The calves consume their mother's milk for approximately two years, sometimes longer. They can consume up to three gallons of milk per day! They start eating plants around four months old, just like adult elephants, but they still require the same amount of milk from their mother. We think it's one of the cutest things about them how attached they are to their mothers, who immediately notice if their young are in distress..

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