3 years ago


Three once respected pillars of society are being co-opted, corrupted and collapsed. A lot of this is enabled by the vaccination, which is inducing a psychosis and creating pro-tyrannical, anti-freedom Globalist zombie minions.

“Health care” has become the profit making “Medical industry” and has now become a virtual genocide machine killing patients with so-called “Covid protocols”. These “Covid protocols” are written by the same Globalist machine pushing mass vaccination.

Hospitals run by corrupted and vaxxed doctors and nurses have become death houses where patients are euthanized by these “Covid protocols” for cash bounties. Patients no longer receive proper health care and I would advise people to avoid hospitals at all costs.

Police and law enforcement (at least in Australia) have been corrupted to enforce Covid tyranny. Vaxxed police have become Globalist shock troops, virtual clone troopers, happily patrolling the streets and enforcing draconian and illegal government “mandates”.

Schools, teachers and the so-called “education (indoctrination) system” have been corrupted to enforce child abusing facial masks, woke policies and the transgender agenda - and that’s when children are even allowed to go to school. In any case, children are being force-vaxxed which will twist and damage their brains, initiating them into the demonic Covid Cult.

These three once respected pillars of society have been corrupted and destroyed to become mere arms of Covid tyranny enforcement and indoctrination.

Apart from the above, the food industry, farming and food transport and distribution are all in the process of being dismantled - I advise everyone to stock up on non-perishable food supplies to counter the coming food shortages.

I also advise people to escape the cities if possible as they will become mass death zones of collapse and decay. We can now see the true purpose of lockdowns - to prevent the peasants from escaping, effectively corralling them into a pen so they can be efficiently vaxxed.

FreeNewsNetwork - “SteveKAustralia” on Gab Social, Rumble, Gettr and Brighteon

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