Ep18 p5of6 Synagogue of Satan

3 years ago

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This is part 5 of a Bible study series about Judah, the synagogue of Satan. Jesus Christ is the best one to interpret the phrase 'The Synagogue of Satan. First I am not an anti-Semite, in now want do I want you to hurt Jews. We are only studying the prophets to understand who God is and what he does. It is God's job to purge the Jews and us in whatever way he decides.

Ancient Jewish history includes 2 temple periods. The first temple period and the second temple period. The first temple was built by Solomon in 966BC and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II in 586BC. The second temple was constructed in 516BC and destroyed by the Roman general Titus in 70AD. The second temple was greatly expanded and modernized by Herod the great in the 1st century BC. This is the temple that Jesus Christ preached at and prophesied it's fall in Matthew 24:1.

When the Jews were taken into captivity in Babylon they were forced to adapt their religion in a foreign land and without a temple. This is why they began the oral Torah which is called the Talmud. The Jews had adapted legal councils since the time of Moses but these councils had changed into different forms during different times in history. The Sanhedrin council which was 70 elders and divided into political and religious factions mainly of the Pharisee's and Sadducee's took this form during the Hasmonean dynasty. The Sanhedrin council of the late second temple period, is the council that condemned Jesus Christ. The Sanhedrin council ruled in Jerusalem on matters of religion and secular matters in Judea. During the time of Christ Judea was a province of Rome under a Roman procurator Pontius Pilate. The Sanhedrin council condemned Jesus Christ to death but they did not want to carry it out on the Passover so they brought him to the Roman procurator and accused him of treason against Caesar.

The Synagogue system was also developed during the Hasmonean Dynasty. The word Synagogue is a Greek word meaning 'leading together'. The law of Moses centers the Jewish religion at Jerusalem and during certain Holy days all Jews were to come to Jerusalem to celebrate together. The Synagogue was a smaller building in each town and city around the country wherever communities of Jews were, where they would meet every Sabbath and congregate during the rest of the year. The Synagogues were under the authority of the Sanhedrin. The Rabbi's who taught at the Synagogue were trained in Jerusalem under the authority of the Sanhedrin. They would not perform sacrifices at the Synagogue, sacrifice was done in a very specific manner and only in the temple at Jerusalem. The Synagogue was only a place of gathering and learning the scriptures.

After the temple at Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70AD the Synagogue became the primary mode of worship for the Jews. During the first few centuries after the destruction of the temple the Jews were shunned by Roman society because of the wars. The Jewish synagogues spread out into other empires because Jews were migrating to better places. They still existed in the Roman Empire but they were oppressed in many ways.

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ the first Christians were Jews and they spread the Gospel in the synagogues among the Jews. Several Synagogues became Christian. The Sanhedrin saw this as a great threat and a heresy. They took measures to rid themselves of Christianity persecuting the Christians in every city starting in Jerusalem. During his lifetime Jesus Christ had preached in the Synagogues and among the Jews and Samaritans only.

It was because the Jews rejected Jesus Christ as their leader and crucified him that the Gospel went to the Gentiles. The Jews were blinded to the truth by God that this might happen. After Jesus Christ was resurrected and the controversy in heaven was won, then the Gospel went to all nations.

In John 3 Jesus debated with the Jews, he called then children of the devil because they did not believe in him or his Father. He said the devil is a murderer and liar from the beginning. This clearly points at unbelievers, including Jews, as the children of the devil. Since there is only one synagogue system on earth, even today, they Synagogue of Satan can only be referring to the Synagogue of the Jews. This should not be interpreted as a call to harm any race, including Jews. It merely shows the relationship between Judaism and Christianity. The Jews completely reject Jesus Christ as God in the flesh and as shown in several places in the New Testament, he has rejected them as unbelievers.

In this light the Jews are set among the nations as equal to other nations and the Gospel of the kingdom is preached to them as it is to all nations.

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