The populist BACKLASH builds as bumbling Biden’s regime targets your freedom to travel | Lance Wallnau

3 years ago

Vaccine passports make totalitarians salivate.
BUT this progressive power grab couldn’t be more poorly timed. What America see’s is Afghanistan, Newsom’s California recall election and packed college football stadiums defying Biden. All this tells us there is a massive wave of grassroots pushback coming and the ruling elites are in the rumble seats.
I’m of the opinion that Christians better get involved with massive populist rallies of their own and turn the nation toward repentance and Christ. This moment comes only once because the main goal of those in power is to shut down the “insurrectionist” Trump supporters, take away their “privilege” of free speech and track their movement and banking with a biometric passport.
Clearly this battle is a conflict with devils operating with unprecedented access to government, and media. It’s like the spirit of antiChrist and the false prophet attempting a mini series.
You enter the script right about now and take your place in the battle that decides your children’s fate. I say it’s time to “push em back, push em back, waaaay back.” Let’s buy time.

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