Liars telling lies.

3 years ago

1st time crooked business called police on my husband " to make him pay " in her words. Dropped due to their conflicting stories IE...... LIES. Called again on me the 2nd & ONLY TIME police were ever called between our businesses. Except the one time we were hacked into. Still waiting to hear what happened about that. Notice something VERY important. The 1st time the crooks call, do any of them seem to care about covid??? ANY MASKS ? ANY TEMPS TAKEN< ANYTHING ??? NO NO NO ! TRUTH ABOVE ALL . LIARS !! AND A BAD COP CHOSE TO BELIEVE THEM OVER MY 6'6 ALPHA TRUMP LOVING MAN ! TRUTH ! The lying receptionist told police on the 911 call that I "BUSTED" in yelling............NO SCREAMING.............. DID I ??? Not once did I interrupt her. She was the disturbance. Why did she kept saying " you can't be in here? 100% was social distancing but her guilt ( mens rea) caused her to have what is called anxiety. People who expect problems ie, make a habit ow worry. That is their default by NO fault of mine. I believed her to be a professional. Until when I asked her to leave her boss a message...........she said no ???? I thought that was her job. At this point I am really confused about this woman freaking out on me. I did not know then what I KNOW now ! Come find the truth with me if you dare <3

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