Train Up A Child | Pastor Phillip H Jackson | Grace Christian Center

2 years ago

Train Up A Child | Pastor Phillip H Jackson | Grace Christian Center

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When you're studying the scriptures, you're going to find many verses that are informational not instructional. For example, Hannah took Samuel to the temple. God isn't telling you to drop your kid off at your church.

Moses's first encounter with God was the burning bush. At that encounter, He was instructed to introduce the children of Israel to the true and living God.

God wants people to know Him. Children included. It's the responsibility of parents to train their children in the knowledge of God.


Talk about Him, day and night. Tell your children how good God is and what He has done for you. Pray with them. Take them to church. Study the Bible with them. Children need to be trained. They don't need to flounder around trying to figure life out on their own.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

It's difficult to train up a child in God if you don't know God.

If you want more of God, more of His presence, more of His blessing in your life, you're going to have to train yourself too.

Morality is a good foundation. Everyone should be taught it. But knowing God is far greater than just morality.

Children need to be taught about salvation.

Children need to be taught to honor and obey their parents.

No matter the situation, don't give up on your kids. Put you trust in God, not in people, not in organizations, not in anything other than God Himself. God can do things beyond what we can even think. God loves you. God loves your child. Don't ever give up.

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