Lin Wood believes activist Veronica Wolski died of medical malpractice

3 years ago

Mainstream media and their unlimited paid/fake social media accounts which I dub thee "bigpharma billboards" love to make things up to turn more people away from the truth in order to line their own pockets.

Lin called the hospital to get Veronica Wolski released immediately to the ambulance and a doctor waiting outside to treat her, and told them that if they don't release her they will be guilty of murder.

When that failed, it seems both Veronica's representative (who holds her medical power of attorney) and the hospital called the police.

The police responded that a possible transfer would have to be addressed with the hospital administrator the next morning - Veronica did not make it to the next day.

The BigPharma Billboards

Twitter posts from those who don't like to verify the truth before posting, and several mainstream articles are "shaping a crafted narrative", not only mocking someone after they are dead, but using her death to fuel hatred and division:

"... told the operator they’ll be charged with murder because they refused to dispense Ivermectin to an anti-vaxxer pal of his who got COVID."

"...Lin Wood is a public health threat, who is motivating users to harass health professionals. Wood also supported and amplified electoral disinformation which very likely inspired individuals to seditious conspiracy against their government.
But you know still not disbarred"

"Veronica Wolski, an anti-vaxxing MAGA, died of COVID. She coughed on strangers, harassed employees at Staples, and believed in "God." And now, angry MAGAs like Lin Wood are blaming the hospital for her death. Maybe it's time to forget about God, and start believing in Science."

"News in QAnon world today: Veronica Wolski, a Covid denier known for hanging QAnon signs on bridges, died of Covid last night. QAnon believers, led by Lin Wood, had been deluging the hospital with demands that she receive ivermectin. Cops were called last night amid bomb threats."

"QAnon Followers Threaten Hospital After Outspoken COVID Denier Dies Of COVID"

"...Conspiracy theorist Lin Wood, one of most influential QAnon supporters."

"How Lin Wood and His QAnon Fans Tried to Force a Hospital to Use Ivermectin"

"QAnon Karen Dies, Lin Wood Calls It 'Medical Murder' Right ..."

Lin Wood is not QAnon

I found Lin Wood's telegram account:

The only time QAnon is mentioned in his telegram channel --- is when he's quoting some article that is "calling him a QAnon supporter", and him saying that he "believes in God, not Q")

In his own words:

"I have and had no idea what medical treatment Veronica Wolski was receiving at Amita. I received a phone call from a friend who represented that she was the lawful holder of Veronica’s Medical Power of Attorney and that she and Veronica were demanding that Veronica be transferred ASAP to another facility for treatment. The word Ivermectin was never mentioned. "

Lin Wood, [13.09.21 10:17]

I just received this message for the individual who holds Veronica’s medical power of attorney.

“September 12th 7:00CST



URGENT EMERGENCY! Veronica was stable yesterday and was going to receive a feeding tube over 24 hours ago. She has not received enough nutrients and has taken an extreme turn for the worse. We have a team in place including a private ambulance to transport her. They are DELAYING hospice or releasing her from the hospital. We don’t have that kind of time! She is declining due to lack of medical treatment and nutrients. We are left with other NO option than to alert the public and request your assistance as we are trying to SAVE VERONICAS LIFE. Her advocate just had to call the police department from the hospital. Make calls, be loud and be heard!!!

Please help get as much attention FOR VERONICA as possible. Time of the essence.


Her advocate is standing outside of the hospital to field questions right now!

<retracted phone numbers>

Lin Wood, [14.09.21 14:34]

Herman Cain was my client and close friend. Pressley Stutts was my close friend and worked closely with me on my campaign for Chair of the SCGOP. I knew Veronica Wolski only on Telegram and recognized her to be a fine person and Patriot who cherished TRUTH and freedom. I was touched and honored
when she posted banners about me on The Peoples’ Bridge.

I would have so enjoyed spending more time on this Earth with all three of these outstanding Americans. I pray that I will see them in Heaven for eternity.

I believe that all 3 of these individuals may have died as the result of medical malpractice. My opinion is based on my almost 20 years of legal work representing plaintiffs in medical malpractice cases. I do not represent their estates and other lawyers will have to review their medical records and pursue any claims for legal redress.

When a patient dies as the proximate result of medical malpractice, one cause of action is a legal claim for wrongful death.

I am a trial lawyer with 45 years experience. I have also spent 25 years focusing on First Amendment issues. I often use rhetorical hyperbole to emphasize a position I advocate.

When I see what appears to be intentional medical malpractice, I may on occasion emphasize the egregious malpractice by describing it as murder. That is protected rhetorical hyperbole.

I certainly do not claim to know ALL things, but I know the law on medical malpractice and the lawful expression of speech under our First Amendment that allows a robust exchange of ideas in our country.

And I KNOW that I KNOW a heck of a lot more about my efforts to help my friends, Herman, Pressley, and Veronica, AND the law than does Mother Jones and its fellow birds in the Mockingbird propaganda flock.

You can take that to the bank (but please, not to a Rothschild bank!).

Have I made my point clear enough to these Communist Mockingbird liars?

You decide.

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