Adorable New Born Chick..🐣🐣🐣

2 years ago

As a bird, a chicken qualifies as such. Chickens are called chicks because they are young and have not yet developed their feathers. An egg gives rise to the creature, which then emerges from the shell.
Feathers and wings cover the chicks. Their plumage is delicate and fluffy, and they have a large number of them. Down is the name given to these soft feathers. As a result, the chicks are kept warm thanks to the feathers.

As chicks get older, they develop adult feathers, including tail feathers. Eventually, they shed their down as their adult feathers begin to develop. They will be adults in a few months. As a result, they'll look like their parents as they grow up.
It is inevitable that some chicks will grow up to be roosters. A rooster is a male chicken that has reached adulthood. Some chicks will grow up to be hens, while others will remain chicks. A hen is a female chicken that has reached sexual maturity..

Thanks for watching..🐣🐣🐣

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