A Fight w/The Infested | Warframe Plague Star Event Run (2021)

3 years ago

Operation: Plague Star is a reoccurring event introduced Update 22.3 (2017-11-15), where players are tasked to destroy an Infested meteorite that crashes in the Plains of Eidolon, with its passengers threatening to overwhelm both Ostron and Grineer alike. On the PC build, the event originally began on November 15, 2017 and ran until November 27, 2017.

Unlike most events in WARFRAME, Operation: Plague Star is a reoccurring event, with the Infested "boil" regrowing every several months and the Tenno are called on to cull it once more.

Source of info: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Operation:_Plague_Star

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