Subliminal Meditation Music to Heal Relationships Ho'Oponopono

2 years ago


Heal your relationships with others without even letting them know your doing it with this miracle meditation.

Amazing after only 10 minutes of doing this meditation alone at home I started seeing evidence of it improving relationships in my family and social circle THE SAME DAY!

If you don't know about this meditation go look at the next video on my channel first for an quick, informative and easy to understand explanation. Make sure you understand the meditation before doing it so it can start healing rough relationships in your life TODAY!
Clear all negative emotions attached to a relationship in your life making room for instant healing. Previous negative connections in your heart to that person are broken away. Pure light and love replace previous it for healing, forgiveness, and hope.

Set the intention before beginning to see proof of this improvement today when interacting with this person.

If the I'm sorry part is difficult for you then try this little trick. Keep in mind that you don't know how they predicted your interactions so maybe they thought you rolled your eyes once, or someone told them you did something negative about them. You can imagine at some time you could have caused them to feel bad

Taking responsibility for your part in any situation is the only way to have the power to change it. You can't change what you don't own.

Subliminals consists of four mantras: I Love You - I'm Sorry - Please Forgive Me - Thank You.

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Happiness & Purpose are found in a Life of Service


Cleansing Hurt, Fear, and Anger Within

Headphones Are Optional
Music Credited To


Inaudible-Audible Spoken Messages
I love you
I am sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you for forgiving me

Headphones Are Optional
Music Credited To

#affirmations #meditation music
Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed

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