Meal 🥘 plan for weight loss

2 years ago


How to prepare Chocolate strawberry oats and Potato salad at home RECIPES

Chocolate strawberry oats

1 cup oats

1 tbsp cacao powder 1 tbsp maple syrup

1 cup strawberries Coconut flakes (optional)

Add your oats, cocoa powder and maple syrup into a bowl. Pour in about 1/2-1 cup of hot water depending on how thick you want your oats. Top with strawberries

Garlic potato salad (makes 2 servings)

1/2 bell peppe chopped

1/2 red onion chopped

1 lb red potatoes steamed 2 tbsp cashew butter

2 tbsp water

Juice 1/2 lemon

1 tsp garlic powder Salt and pepper to taste

Steam your potatoes. I do this in my instant pot with a steamer tray and a little water on the bottom for 10 minutes on manual. Or you can use a stovetop with the same method for about 20 minutes with the lid on. Mix together all of your sauce ingredients

Do you know that you can Burn Stubborn Belly Fat Over The Holidays...While Still Enjoying All Your Favorite Foods

Happiness depends upon ourselves and that is why? you should rather regret the things you've done than regret the things you haven't done.

However, I was doing some research lately on weight loss and came across interesting findings about the tips and facts on how fast to metabolize and accelerate fat burning by drinking green smoothie.

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