Warmachine Lore Profile - ORSUS ZOKTAVIR, THE BUTCHER OF KHARDOV. nuff said

2 years ago

just transferring over one of the many, many warmachine lore vids from youtube.

among the many warcasters in the iron kingdoms, none are more feared, reviled and infamous than this giant of a man. responible for slaughtering over 80 people in a violent confrontation, he should've been put in jail or worse, executed for his crimes. but the newly crowned empress of khador not only pardoned him but rewarded him for his work. now he is a living symbol of war and brutality. a barely sane killing machine who even warjacks can't beat.

if you are a enemy of the motherland or of it's queen, you will face the fury of "the butcher of khardov" orsus zoktavir.

All info comes directly from the official source books, publish by privateer press.

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