#5: Uncensored Truth Tour from AFLDS: Dr Gold - “There is no other fight if we lose this one!!!!!!!”

3 years ago

June 9th, 2021

I had the great opportunity to go to the Uncensored Truth Tour from America’s Frontline Doctors & see Dr. Simone Gold in person!

This vaccine is really bad and I didn’t even know how bad! The trillions of spike proteins created by your body from the mRNA in the jabs & where they end up in your body is so incredibly terrifying! 

Best case scenario: DO NOT GET THE JAB!
If you do, just don’t get the second dose!
But there is still hope!

There is always HOPE! :)

Find the Uncensored Truth Tour near you!
➡️ https://www.aflds.org/tour#about

Join the AFLDS Citizen Cops!
➡️ https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/citizen-corps/

Stay strong, fellow patriots! ✊🏻🇺🇸

Your friendly neighborhood patriot,
Hannah 🌻

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