Point 11C Public Health Order 8.27.2021

2 years ago

Preventative measures and interventions

As stated previously, Natural infection offers a much better shield against the delta variant than vaccines. Stating that even if you had Covid 19 you are still susceptible to the virus is a blatant lie. As proven by the Israeli study. Naturally acquired immunity is always optimal to the injection as it benefits the health of the community.

As health care professionals appointed to protect the community you should have some information on preventative care. You should also fully understand the amazing and highly effective immune system of the human body. We must support our immune systems with proper nutrition exercise fresh air and sunshine. Neither a mask nor a vaccine can be used as a form of protection against viruses. They cannot and do not replace your immune system. Thousands of clinical trials and scientific data support and prove the use of hand hygiene, fresh air, pure water, sunshine, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and Zinc as preventing and lessening the symptoms of Covid 19 or any viruses for that matter. It is your job as health professionals to teach the public about natural immunity and alternative preventative measures.

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