Putting a 2007 Ford Focus or any car on Ramps

2 years ago

How to put most cars on ramps.
You may need to do this for an oil change, or to access the transmission on a front wheel drive vehicle.
Some people use a jack, and jack stands which is a good method but can be very time consuming and produce the same results.
Ramps can be found at any auto parts store, these are rated for 16,000 lbs although they don't look like it.
Plastic scares people, but this is all they make now.
Place them as far into the front wheels as you can, ensure that the front wheels are straight, and ensure the ramps are straight onto the wheels.
Once they're set, go ahead and start the car. Put the vehicle, and slowly ease off the brake, you may need to lightly touch the gas to get onto the ramps (I know I did for this video). Use as little gas as possible, once you feel both wheels start to level out, you're ok to stop, put the vehicle in park, and apply the emergency brake. You don't necessarily need to drive all the way to the end of the ramps, just enough so that both wheels are fully on the level surface (if you've done otherwise please comment below).
Once you're on the ramps, go ahead and place wheel blocks behind your back tires, please do not forget to remove these when you're getting off the ramps, it will seriously mind f%ck you.

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