Improving with Power Animals

2 years ago

veryone can enrich their life by connecting with the benevolent spirit of their power animal. Today we’ll look at the fox, the rabbit, and the goat.

The fox is clever and friendly. A charmer and keen observer, the fox can easily size up people and circumstances. They are capable of blending in since they are skilled at being unnoticed and portraying themselves as whoever they need to be. The fox’s ingenuity can solve any problem since they know how to think outside the box. The fox’s message is: get passed your past.

The optimistic rabbit is gentle and aware. They are also clever and practical. The rabbit has fast reflexes and knows which direction to go in next. Their physical and mental agility allows them to outpace others. They are great strategist and always have a back-up plan. They enjoy spending time alone for peace and quiet. The rabbit’s message is: I Love you and please love yourself.

The sure-footed goat is independent and hardworking. They willingly take on tasks that others won’t. Taking one step at a time, they have a focused determination to achieve their goals. The goat moves through life’s peaks and valleys with confidence. They are very curious and enjoys exploring new heights. The goat is so self-reliant that people sometimes think they’re just stubborn. The goat’s message is: believe in yourself.

Power animals’ talents and virtues show us how to improve. Check out our website to learn more and get a power animal reading.

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