Q & A : real answers for tough questions

3 years ago

0:00 - Awesome brain headgear
0:25 - non-obvious things that you can barter/trade when SHTF
(Bosnian article: http://www.thepowerhour.com/news/items_disappearfirst.htm )
2:00 - best tips for new shooters
3:20 - jab ultimatums at work - what would you do?
5:20 - encouragement for losses, etc
6:05 - Is Biden really that stupid? Drugged?
6:50 - “faith without works is dead” - what does this mean?
7:34 - have you considered running for office?
7:45 - are you seeing food shortages in stores yet? + practical advice
(Azure Standard link: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=8f4afbb020)
10:05 - I’m sweating
10:12 - best friends don’t prep and think “God will Provide.” Advice for what to do/say
12:45 - what to do when friends/family think you’re crazy for prepping, not jabbing, etc.
14:05 - what are you reading right now?
- my view on the “rapture”
(pre-wrath video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwXoMNpOhos )
15:23 - GP is hypocritical for not wanting to allow in refugees and also professing to be Christian - also, not all your viewers are Christian
15:56 - response about refugees
17:09 - response about my faith and not being for everyone
18:44 - dealing with HOAs and prepping storage as well as limited space for storing supplies
20:50 - how do you deal with sadness, frustrations, anger, etc. with society being so lame
(I forgot to address churches being lame too - find a new one 1000% - ain’t nobody got time for a “woke” church)
24:30 - how many rounds per caliber should we have
25:38 - what gun do you conceal carry and how do you carry it - show & tell
Sticky Holsters 10% off code: GoodPatriot
27:58 - forming a community and finding a group to join for when SHTF
29:07 - all freeze drying questions: storage, sample of the whole process, the difference between a dehydrator and freeze dryer
Freeze Dryer: https://affiliates.harvestright.com/984.html
Mylar bags: https://www.azurestandard.com/shop/product/household-family/storage/mylar-bags/mylar-bags-zipper-top-525-mil-8-x-10-1-quart/27072?package=PS039&a_aid=8f4afbb020
Oxygen Absorbers: https://www.azurestandard.com/shop/product/household-family/storage/oxygen-absorber-packs/oxyfree-oxygen-absorbers-300-cc-for-1-gallon-size-containers/17002?package=PS801&a_aid=8f4afbb020
39:05 - should Christians be running for office or concentrating on prepping if this is the “end times”
40:28 - can you give unbiased info on the jab
42:15 - how to be respectful with fearful people wanting to know your jab status
43:35 - forming smaller support groups with your network for when SHTF
44:40 - are we going to have to defend our prepping supplies from others/ living in community
46:28 - cold freeze dried food?
46:45 - everything is overheating :)

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