Faith & Freedom: The Real Truth about Critical Race Theory

3 years ago

"Cicely ""CC"" Davis is a grassroots activist and spokesperson for the Conservative Republican movement.
She is a resident of Minneapolis, a Christian, a wife, mother, and proud citizen of America, who strongly believes in the strength of the Constitution and the ideal of the American dream.
As State Director of the Minnesota Chapter of the BLEXIT foundation, and Chair of Senate District 59, Cicely believes that it is the people who hold and direct the future of America, and it is the peoples' voices that uphold American constructs. Empowered by the notion that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are GODLY principals, her efforts toward keeping America strong and free is her daily focus, and she will remain tireless in the fight to keep America as the most free and autonomous nation in the world.
Cicely Davis will be speaking about the definition, aim, message, and agenda of Critical Race Theory, and it's attempt to mislead and undermine American exceptionalism under the guise of the presentation of ""new ideas and open-mindedness."

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