27% Increase in Chance of Covid for Vaccinated People Who Have never Had Covid

2 years ago

John Macarthur’s sermon from August 29, 2021 was removed from YouTube. So was the August 15th sermon. The pastor updates his congregation on progress with their lawsuit against the State of California for fining the church because they would not shut down during governor mandates. He then relays scientific support for the decision to gather together and relays how allow herd immunity does protect against viruses. And although he and other in the church got the virus in a normal rate corresponding to the isolated population, there was no outbreak in this church the whole time. He corrects the slander reported against the church by the media and sites the fact that their lawsuit is being won and there is no more danger in the church than in the general population. He then talks about the failure of our current U.S. leadership, the unscientific and even childlike decisions being made by this administration. He sites Israel's study of 800,000 in which it was detirmined that you are 27% more likely to get Covid if you are vaccinated than if you get Covid and recover. Recovery from Covid leaves a lasting and durable immunity, whereas the vaccine increases the chance of getting - AND SPREADING - Covid. Covid spread is increased due to the 13% of people who get Covid after being vaccinated and do not know they have to because they are assymptomatic.

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