2015 NOV 16 Italy RAI TV Warned the World about Gain Function and SARS-COV-1 Coronavirus

3 years ago

Chinese scientists create a lung super virus in bats and mice presumably for research purposes but the people wonder is it worth the risk.


It’s just an experiment yes but it worries.

A group of Chinese researchers inserted a protein from bats into SARS virus thus causing acute pneumonia in mice it’s a super virus that could affect humans. It is obviously confined to a laboratory, and is for research purposes only is it worth the risk of creating such a threat just to be examined?

by Maurizio Menicucci

The debate on the risk of research has been for a long time, since the time of the god Daedalus, but it is currently done in china where a group of scientists has developed a chimera an artificial organism, which is result of injecting a protein from the bat coronavirus into the SARS Virus causing acute pneumonia in mice, but not fatal.

It was suspected that the protein could be transferred to humans, and the experiment has confirmed this. This SA molecule allows the coronavirus to attack our respiratory cells triggering the syndrome according to researchers the original organism and the engineered ones can infect humans straight from the bat, by passing an intermediate species such as the mouse and this feature has caused a lot of controversy.

The USA Government has suspended funding for this experiment, considering it dangerous, but the Chinese Laboratory has not suspended the research work on SARS which was already in an advanced stage and it was considered dangerous.

According to one part of the scientific world, it is not. (2021 OK so how did that turn out let’s have the names of these so-called geniuses and make sure they never set foot in a lab again) The probability of the virus passing to our species is irrelevant compared to the benefits?

A reasoning that many other experts deny. First because the benefits-risk ratio is difficult to assess… and second, because it is not prudent to put in circulation an organism of this type that could be released or escape the control of the laboratory.

• President Barack Obama,
• U.S. officials
• NIH Francis S. Collins
• NIH Anthony S. Fauci
• Other DS Financial Investor Actors
• UNC (University of North Carolina) Dr. Ralph Baric's Team
• USAMRIID (FORT DETRICK) / United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease
• Wuhan Institute of Virology

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