Police & Pacific Gate Hotel SET UP Dan Dicks, DETAINED & FINED $2000 Under The QUARANTINE ACT!!!

3 years ago

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On Friday September 10th 2021 Dan Dicks called the Pacific Gateway Hotel in Richmond to ask if it was now a current quarantine facility to which the reply was “no comment”…after visiting the hotel and speaking with the manager Dan was also given no answer and was asked to wait for the right person to come…not long later the police arrived and Dan and his wife were subsequently detained and fined $1000 each for “breaching a quarantine facility” In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth lays out the truth of what happened in chronological order because of course he was filming the whole time which proved to be a good thing as the hotel lied and the police set him up to be ticketed. If you would like to contribute to Dan’s legal fight please consider donating today!

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