Rise of Fascism in the Western World: Live Stream Open Discussion Held on August 25, 2021 [ASMR]

3 years ago

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- How Could They Let It Happen? Now We Know: Fear, Programing, Propaganda, Indoctrination, Vilification: Have You Tested Your Mettle? (0:08-2:44)
- First Graphic Novel Adaptation of George Orwell's 1984 Illustrated by Fido Nesti (3:58-5:54)
- How to Resist Fascism & Awaken the Masses: Stand Your Ground, Know Your Data, Counter Their Bullshit, Do Not Be Silent (6:01-8:56)
- Australia, You Must Stand Your Ground (8.56 and further)
- Centralized Regulatory Bodies Should Be Disbanded: Wikileaks' OPCW Douma Docs Have Exposed the Corruption at the Highest Power (12:01-14:03)
- Definition of Fascism: Merger of State and Corporate Power, Totalitarian Control of a Society (14:00-17:22)
- Canadian Government Will Now Cover the Funeral Cost of Deaths Caused by Approved Vaccines (17:22-18:11)
- Afghanistan (18:12)
- More COVID Vaccine Discussion: The Resistance & Agent Provocateurs (18:57)
- Why People Are Protesting Lockdowns: Because It's Too Late to Stop Fascism When Fascists Have Complete Control (20:34-22:38)
- CensorTube Intro (24:59-27:2 7)
- OPCW Doctoring Evidence to Start a War, There Is No Bigger Crime: Centralized Capital as Power Have Co-opted Regulatory Bodies (27:30-29:52)
- Teachers Unions That Are Calling for Mandatory COVID Vaccines Should Be Disbanded (30:28-31:08)
- Western Peoples Can Stop the Flow of Refugees by Arresting and Prosecuting the Warmongers in Our midst, Holding Capital as Power Accountable (31:22-33:18)
- More Fascism Discussion
- Censorship Discussion
- Vaccine Mandates (35:22)
- Why It's Important to Learn Math (37:57)
- Mandating Life
- Simple Example of Why Mandating Vaccines Should Be Opposed: Life Choices Being a Burden On the Healthcare System (41:18-42:50)
- ... and more...
- COVID Variants and Vaccines: What's Going On? (45:40-48:42)
- Resist Fascists by Boycotting Any Businesses That Mandate Shots or Require Vaccine Passports: Know Thy Enemy (49:41-52:38)
- Not Being Politically Aware Is Not an Option Anymore: Educate Yourself, Protect Your Family (52:38-54:34)
- ...and more...
- Another Simple Example of Why Mandating Vaccines Should Be Opposed: What About Other Contagious Diseases? (54:36-57:51)
- How People Were Able to Roll Back the Vaccine Passport Mandate in Moscow: They Set the Precedent, We Must Follow (58:47-59:38)
- ... and more...
- Why We Have to Make Sure Vaccine Mandates Do Not Become Law (1:02:58-1:05:03)
- ... and more ...
- Question for Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Do You Believe in Messing Around with a Complex System? (1:08:58-1:10:05)
- ...and more...
- It Took 20 Years for People to Realize Their Mistake in Supporting the Invasion of Afghanistan, How Long Will It Take for a Vaccine Mandate? (1:11:42-1:15:39)
- Personal Finance: How to Manage Expenses, Save Money, Deal with Debt and Credit card Companies (1:15:57-1:20:31)
- ... and more...
- Should Pregnant Women Get the Shot? What Are We Cattle? (1:22:07-1:23:42)
- Personal Finance: Where Should You Park Your Money? (1:23:45-1:26:46)
- Personal Finance: Where Should You Park Your Money? [Extended cut] (1:23:45-1:29:45)
- ...and more...
- UFC: A Story from the Good Old Days (1:33:27-1:35:21)
- ... more Personal Finance...
- Skate Boarding (1:37:58)
- ... and more ...

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