Growing With Your Power Animal

2 years ago

Power animals can be found in daily life, in meditation, in our imagination, and in our dreams. They are here to help us see and realize our dreams. Incredibly, experiencing them is never a coincidence or an accident. When we do meet them, we just need to tune in and listen. They want to share with us profound yet simple truths. Power animals are amazing teachers because their knowledge can help us in every aspect of life.

Taking the leap of faith to connect with your power animal requires just a basic willingness to open communication with them. Ask your power animal any question, without any reservations. Afterwards, be prepared to accept their response. They love to impart their wisdom because they are aware of your difficulties and your potential and want to help.

What blocks people is a fear of being who they really are. Perhaps it is a fear of non-acceptance or a fear of failing. Sometimes we try to be something we are not or we’re just comparing ourselves to others. Regardless, as we begin to grow with our power animal, we will understand ourselves better than ever. As incredible as it may sound, with your power animal as a 24/7 virtual friend, you will have a brighter outlook on life. And knowing your power animal is supporting you is like finding a buried treasure inside of yourself.

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