論斷與批評 Judgment And Criticism

3 years ago

Jesus told us "Do not judge so that you will not be judged." (Matthew 7:1) We must not disobey His words. But we can criticize with a good intention. Judgment and criticism may seem alike, but they are very different and we should be mindful in this. Rev. Dr. Tyson Chang preached this topic in his native Mandarin Chinese. 耶穌交代我們:「你們不要論斷人,免得你們被論斷。』(馬太福音7:1) 這裡的論斷,意思是評斷、審斷,也就是不要以自己的價值觀去論斷別人的言行。但是我們可以依據聖經的標準去善意批判別人的錯誤。章台生博士/牧師在證道中勉勵我們多說造就人的話。

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