Senate Homeland Security Committee Holds Hearing on the COVID-19 Pandemic

3 years ago

The witnesses at the Senate Homeland Security Committee on December 9, 2020 were Ramin Oskoui MD, Jean-Jacques Rajter MD, Pierre Kory MD, Armand Balboni MD, Jane Orient MD, Jayanta Bhattacharya MD, and Rand Paul MD.

Hydroxychloroquine has 65 years of experience and millions of patients have demonstrated its safety. Yet, FDA impeded its use while HHS (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services) presumably hoarded 50 million doses of hydroxychloroquine as people expressed concern about shortages.

Mortality rate or deaths for severe pulmonary disease from Coronavirus decreased from 81% without Ivermectin to 39% with Ivermectin.

Lockdowns have had a devastating effect, because humans aren't meant to live in isolation. One out of four young adults seriously considering suicide in June 2020 according to CDC.

Senator Johnson asked why would there be a problem with using drugs that have already been tested and proven safe. The answer is GREED! The big pharmaceutical companies and certain people are racking in huge sums of money because of their high-priced drugs. They don't care if their drugs are inferior to what we already have or if it kills or harms someone, because it is all about the MONEY!

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