Where In The World Have I Been?, 3690

3 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on COVID.

Hi, as you may have suspected,
On Aug. 31, YouTube gave me another strike for
having the audacity of posting a Laura Ingraham
interview with two eminent scientists on
the topic of COVID.
It was SR #3687. "Is Natural Immunity Better Than the
You can catch it on my Facebook pages, my Twitter account, Rumble, BitChute, Parler, Mewe, and Brighteon.

Consequently, I cannot post on YouTube again
until Sept. 24.
That same day, as fate would have it, I was hit with COVID. I got it
In a surprising way – I shook hands with a guy at a church meeting who had been fully vaxed.
That was before I had realized that what the MSM had been telling us in the past was just not true – that it was the unvaxed that were ending up in intensive care units.
Well, surprise, surprise, that isn’t true. It turns out that the vaxed ones are the ones who are germinating these more easily transmissible variants of COVID.

I’d been taking a low-dose of Hydroxychloroquine – one 200. Mg. tablet per week, and then every so often I’d take an Ivermectin just to try to keep the virus at bay.

On top of that, Beth and I were taking all the other weapons available, Vit. C, vitamin D, Quercetin, zinc lozenges, Ginger oil, and a rarely known one one – one drop a day of Oil of Oregano. We call oil of oregano our secret weapon because we only use it what hit by the world of the flues or lower respiratory ailments. That way, no virus gets a chance to become immune to it.

So I was pretty sure I was bullet proof – but no.

I fought it for a
couple of days with the tools I had - not really
believing it could be true. Finally Beth drove
an hour away to get some rapid tests. She
tested negative twice and I tested positive twice.
That was last Sat., Sept. 4th & 5th – right smack in the middle of the Labor Day weekend. That first week it hit me really hard. I just lay in bed and slept – didn’t even want to eat. It took until Tuesday to finally get prescriptions for prednisone and doxycycline, and I starting pulling out of it fast.
Now, all that remains is it has settled into my lungs like every flu does – just that I’ve never had one at this time of year before.

So I wasn’t sure I could make it thru this report without coughing, but I just felt obligated to explain what’s going on.

Beth and I haven’t been to the beach in years, but we are going to go tomorrow for a few days. Some of you may remember I’m a chronic asthma sufferer. That usually kicks up about this time of year and in the past walking in the surf lets my bode soak up those dozens of trace minerals in sea water and it can help get my lungs back under control.

It’s probably a good thing to take a couple of weeks off from YouTube anyway because jumpin Joe Biden’s antics are getting increasingly desperate, so I probably don’t need to stand up and be the target right now, any way.

I may feel compelled to start posting on my alternate sites – including billstill.tv again a week from today, the 17th, but we’ll just see where the Holy Spirit leads after our little beach trip.

Thank you all for hanging there with me for all these years. I can tell you that the United States of America has never been in this desperate a situation before, but I also know that God is in control, so hope continues to spring eternal.

So, although while COVID is not necessarily a death sentence, this has been no fun and it’s only today that I’ve felt I had the energy to tell you all what was going on.

I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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