Best & Taylor Intel (9/10/2021): America Babylon — This Communist Takeover is Done...Unless?

3 years ago

Biden, Mandates, Revolt, FEMA, CDC, UN, WHO, China, Israel, Trumpets, This and That

Feast of Trumpets and Israel is in her 5782 year. a year of rest in Israel today IF this is the true date for Trumpets, as some claim it is not, the real date is OCTOBER and so the arguments continue. Perhaps that is why Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour because we of the different calendars in use today. Which one is the Lord using? Biden is coming after the antivax folks with a vengeance and said MORE mandates are coming. Most folks do not realize that we are under FEMA rules now and may have not remembered that Trump declared a national emergency and told us he was not the president any longer, and that means Biden is not ether, we are under de-factor martial law and thus the Constitution has been removed. Biden is acting on behest of Global Deep State and the UN is running all of this, the 4th beast of Daniel. If we go into revolution, the UN will enter the FRAY and more… —Stewart Best

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