09-11-20 Years Later We Will Never Forget!

2 years ago

Mirrored from Shaking My Head Productions because you NEED to hear this message!

Our Lord and Savior Jesus died on the cross for OUR SINS!
He knew that we are ALL sinners, and He alone can provide you with forgiveness, HE ALONE!

I've been a political "ride" since Obama was elected and began crushing our Constitution. I've always believed in God, and it seems that He has had His Loving Hand on my shoulder my entire life!

I did NOT deserve to be blessed by His Grace, but I was!
There was a time I was a drunk, a party animal, listened to heavy metal, and played dungeons and dragons, smoked weed etc...

And he has yet to give up on you either! There were so many times that I should have died, car accidents, lunatics shooting at me etc...

But The Lord God Shielded me under His wing, and until NOW, I never knew why. I now believe it was for me to send YOU this message!

RIGHT NOW repent of your sins, bend your knee to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and ask His forgiveness as I have! Then live by God's Laws from then forward!

I urge you to go and read Isaiah 1
Put down the #Hate created by Satan!

And let their be no mistake, Satan holds HIGH OFFICE!
All across this world where we should have brotherhood!

But instead we have WAR & DEATH!
Even Leftists are deserving of forgiveness
The Lord tells us to "Love thy enemy"

It's very likely every "enemy" you have ever had was a false enemy, created in the dark minds of men to deceive you! Your true enemy is living in darkness and sin. Come into the TRUE LIGHT of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Son of Man! He holds the key

Mathew 5:44
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

mirrored from SMHP at:

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