I found a great scheduler welcome to Buffer.com

3 years ago

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Buffer allows users to schedule posts sent through the application to the user's social media accounts (you can connect 3 social accounts via the free version). This feature can schedule and send posts to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Linked In, and Pinterest. There are various default time slots in the application, which are based on the times during the day when social media users are most active online. However, Buffer does allow its users to mend or remove the default time slots if they wish to do so.[14] The free version of the application allows a maximum limit of 10 posts to be scheduled at any given time, and only allows the management of one social media account per social media website. Buffer also contains features that give post suggestions to users and gives information on the number of clicks, retweets, likes, favorites, mentions, and potential views each post has, which is based on the number of feeds that a single feed would show up on.[15]

The Buffer application is compatible with three different platforms:

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